What to say? I saw this image on a bumper sticker and missed my turn so I could make sure it said what I thought it said.
He’s cute. You’re not the hamster of doom, are you little hamster?
Googling “flying hamster of doom” and “coconuts” yields 116 results (meaning this hamster barely exists in Google terms), one of which is the above image, exactly what I saw on the car.
None of the results explain. All of them are like me — “saw this on a bumpersticker,” “inspired by a sticker at Hot Topic,” “hehe . . . BEWARE THE FLYING HAMSTER OF DOOM!!!”
They range from the misspelled:
the flying hamster of doom, which reins coconuts upon your pitiful city, …
To the cursed:
May The Evil Flying Hamster Of Doom Rain Coconut On Your Pitiful Town….
To the present perfect tense:
The Flying Hamster of Doom has rained coconuts on my pitiful city. …
To the political:
Our mascot will the flying hamster of doom who will rain coconuts down on Congress.
Good idea!
I finally turned to the Urban Dictionary, which had this helpful result:
1. flying hamster of doom
a winged hamster welding coconuts.
Well, why didn’t you just say so?
If anyone has any information regarding this hamster, send it in — before it’s too late.
9 Responses to The Flying Hamster of Doom
You know, I think I saw that exact same bumper sticker. I bet it was on the same car, too. Was it a silver hatchback?
Wait–you drive a silver car that looks like a hatchback. That’s probably why I’m thinking of it…
Hey, do you suppose that this is some sort off weird off-shoot of the hamster dance website that was so popular in the late ’90s?
I think “so popular” might have been limited to me, you, and my sister (who made a hamster dance tee-shirt for me). There are a lot of hamster dance offshoots and remixes, but you can experience the original in all its glory here: http://www.webhamster.com
Or, watch the uber-scary, partly hi-larious live action version on You Tube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7ggYipARWU&mode=related&search=
Nope, I was aware of the Hamster Dance too (this is the one where they sang the song from the Disney version of “Robin Hood,” right?). It seemed to be a computer-engineering-student thing; they probably found it during a marathon of all-nighters in the computer lab.
Maybe it only thought it was flying? Consider what science tells us about hamsters: Herbal Tonic Cuts Hamsters’ Alcohol Use Kudzu Vine Constituents Daidzin And Daidzein Reduce Alcohol Consumption In Hamsters–Two chemical constituents of the extract daidzin and daidzein similarly squelched alcohol consumption. The ways in which these two compounds diminished hamsters’ hankering for alcohol remain unknown, the scientists say. Vallee of Harvard Medical School in Boston. A group of these hamsters had continuous access to both water and alcohol. When animals received injections of an extract of the herbal elixir, taken from the root of the kudzu vine, their alcohol intake over six days was half that observed when they received injections of an inactive substance for six days.
When I have access to both water and alcohol, I often make the wrong choice. But if these new kudzu deriviatives can keep hamsters off bottle and off the streets, then I think we can all sleep a little easier at nights.
Ok, I am posting this with the full knowledge that nobody is ever going to read it (on a post OVER A MONTH OLD). But if memory serves me correctly, that Web site was full of hamPsters, at hamPsterdance.com. I don’t know if I contribute to the argument on popularity (being related (by blood or marriage(Kris’ sisters count as relatives, right?(I love parentheses))) to three of the four people who we know knew of the site) but I will contribute that “P” dammit…
[…] My first thought was that maybe she was trying to get back at the Hamsters of Doom. I mean maybe she was trying to torture these hamsters because she was afraid of what they might do to her if left roaming around outside of cages. In her mind they would obviously be raining down terror on the innocent with coconuts. Her solution: round up as many hamsters as possible and submit them to death by starvation. Striking fear into the hearts of all would be Hamsters of Doom! (I think a better solution would be to submit the would be coconut-dropping flying hamsters to waterboarding torture. But maybe that’s just me… and perhaps the Khymer Rouge, or Donald Rumsfeld. In good company.) […]
I have the t-shirt! 2$ at a thrift shop in Humbolt County. The trail goes cold though. No logoing, nothing. Humbolt is Big Foot country… Hmmm…