This one’s from Mumbai… y’ know the city in the country famous for its snake charmers and…
a – pos – tro – phe
1. Rhet. A figure of speech, by which a speaker or writer suddenly stops in his discourse, and turns to address pointedly some person or thing, either present or absent; an exclamatory address.About 12apostrophes
12apostrophes has multiple authors and lives in Oak Park, IL, Minneapolis / St. Paul, Delhi, Finland, Brooklyn, Austin, New Jersey, Mumbai, and Lexington, KY.
Latest Caption Contest
Caption Contest #14
By Anirban on April 8th, 2010 in caption contest, India, mass transit
This one’s from Mumbai… y’ know the city in the country famous for its snake charmers and…
7 Responses to Caption Contest #14
. . . elephant hitchhikers.
Man to Driver: “I know we can’t stand each other, but I think its time we talked about the elephant in the room…or truck”
(non competitive entry – do not judge)
I called shotgun and they don’t even care.
The packers never showed up but the movers took it in their stride…
I just want to say, I would not want to be the guy riding in the back with the elephant.
“Get off my truck”
(How come the media never did a ‘Branjelina” for Ford and Flockhart…)
Elephant: “Crap…I missed my stop and now I have to ride next to this freak.”