Lamont Won!

Hooray hooray! Lamont won! So happy.

My favorite quote out of the losing Lieberman camp, so far, is the “Team Connecticut” line. I’ve never laughed so hard while retching. Lieberman to supporters as he conceded defeat:

“As I see it, in this campaign, we’ve just finished the first half and the Lamont team is ahead. But in the second half, our team, Team Connecticut, is going to surge forward to victory in November.”

Any predictions about that? I think, after some very vocal bad-loser grumbling for a while, Lieberman will quietly bow out. The Dem establishment has to support the Democratic candidate, and I’m sure they will. If logic prevails, both they and Connecticut voters will shame Lieberman into dropping his ‘independent’ bid. But given how clueless Joementum has been in recent years, that logical step could be a long shot. 

Let’s have fun watching it play out.

2 Responses to Lamont Won!

  1. Kris says:

    I may have fun watching it play out, but I’ll have my eyes closed most of the time, I think. Please let Lieberman bow out (though he’s never done anything “quietly”). I just worry that the massive ego that is Lieberman will stay and split the democratic vote. Maybe not split it by much, but enough to allow Schlesinger to win. How massive is the ego? Well, like dbay pointed out, “Team Connecticut” and this, channeling Winston Churchill: “‘For the sake of our state, our country and my party, I cannot, I will not let this result stand,’ Mr. Lieberman said of the Lamont victory.”

  2. Matt says:

    Plus he named his political party Connecticut for Lieberman. (Do you really need your own party to run as an independent?)

    I hope Joementum switches to Nomentum and bows out.

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