1. Rhet. A figure of speech, by which a speaker or writer suddenly stops in his discourse, and turns to address pointedly some person or thing, either present or absent; an exclamatory address.
About 12apostrophes
12apostrophes has multiple authors and lives in Oak Park, IL, Minneapolis / St. Paul, Delhi, Finland, Brooklyn, Austin, New Jersey, Mumbai, and Lexington, KY.
9 Responses to Caption Contest #9 – Holiday Edition
Returning for the holidays… to a theater NEAR YOU…
Your kitty WANTS to floss!!
Mister Bitey, the Cat Who Ate Christmas.
Feline Navidad! Meurde la luz!
Merry Teethmas!
Holiday stress may cause recovering catnipaholics to relapse.
O Cat und Baum, O Cat und Baum…
How the cat [without a hat] ate Christmas?
Bah, woodbug!