From the Spambag

Anirban, in response to the last post, remarked that we at 12apostrophes have not received a lot of comments recently.

“Ha!” I say. We at 12apostrophes currently have 262 comments in a holding pattern (or “spam box”), waiting to be unleashed upon the blog-reading public.

Just today I read an interesting comment from Car Title Loan Fast Cash Advance Payday Loan, on the post “The Most Insignificant Office:”

Hi there I was browsing Internet searching for car title loan fast cash advance payday loan and your blog regarding The Most Insignificant Office came my way.Very interesting! You really do know your thing! I�m gonna bookmark you and come back in a few to see yournew posting! Looking forward to! Cheers!

Cheers back at ya’, Car Title Loan Fast Cash Advance Payday Loan! This is just the kind of feedback we love to get. I would brush off my Internet browsing skills, though, Car Title Loan Fast Cash Advance Payday Loan, if you were actually searching for “car title loan fast cash advance payday loan” (Googling yourself?) and came up with “The Most Insignificant Office.”

Next comes from New Mexico Cash Advance Payday Loan Personal, also on the post “The Most Insignificant Office:”

You got master mind on The Most Insignificant Office, that’s why you could able to write a article like this, hats off mate – keep up the good work.

Good to know someone out there’s reading, New Mexico Cash Advance Payday Loan Personal. A “master mind” — stop it, I’m blushing! I will keep up the good work, and write “a” article or two just for you. Are you, by any chance, any relation to Car Title Loan Fast Cash Advance Payday Loan?

And from Maryland Advance Cash Fast Get Loan Money Payday Today, on “What is up with what is up?:”

Very interesting post. A little bit confusing, but it still ok Hm�.

What were you confused about, Maryland Advance Cash Fast Get Loan Money Payday Today? But it was interesting and still ok? Shoot me an e-mail and I’d be happy to clear things up for you.

From Canada Consolidation Loan Private Student, on “You talkin’ to me?:”

I have to say, that I could not agree with you completely, but it�s just my opinion, which could be wrong.

You know, Canada Consolidation Loan Private Student, I get the feeling you didn’t read this through as closely as you might have. Why don’t you give it another try and get back to me? I’m so mad, I may just click your hyperlinked name, Canada Consolidation Loan Private Student, and see if it brings up your e-mail address, or maybe your personal Web site, so I can talk to you about this further.

And finally, from jaren, on “The Most Insignificant Office:”

QivY7s dfv078fnw8f934ndvkg2l

Indeed, jaren. Indeed. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I think you may have forgotten something, like mentioning somewhere the product or service that you provide. But perhaps you are not spam, jaren, and have been unjustly caught in our comment spam filter. Perhaps you are insane, or a horrendous typist. Keep reading!

4 Responses to From the Spambag

  1. Anirban says:

    Hi Kris,
    I find your post and your blog very interesting. In fact. you want to know how you can earn upto $100000 by working from home?

    Oh wait… you’re already doing that. Lucky you!

  2. Katie L. says:

    Heeee hee hee! This post made me laugh out loud.

  3. karah says:

    ROTFLMAO! Thanks, Kris!

  4. The Mayor says:

    I think I just pooped a little. I miss your witty banter.

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