1. Rhet. A figure of speech, by which a speaker or writer suddenly stops in his discourse, and turns to address pointedly some person or thing, either present or absent; an exclamatory address.
About 12apostrophes
12apostrophes has multiple authors and lives in Oak Park, IL, Minneapolis / St. Paul, Delhi, Finland, Brooklyn, Austin, New Jersey, Mumbai, and Lexington, KY.
Delhi has started the long broil. Half a month ahead of schedule. So, that looks heavenly.
Maybe global warming and freak weather conditions will lead to an increase in international travel.
2 Responses to The First Day of Spring, Minneapolis Style
The way things are going, looks like this picture might work for the first day of summer too…
Delhi has started the long broil. Half a month ahead of schedule. So, that looks heavenly.
Maybe global warming and freak weather conditions will lead to an increase in international travel.